Why TYM Planning?
Optimize Labor Hours
Optimize shifts and quickly locate segments that are under or over-utilized to save labor hours or reallocate staff.
Improve Pricing & Spreads
Optimize table pricing and spreads by applying profit simulations under different pricing, spreads, game-mix and shift scenarios.
Account for Constraints
Run “what-if” scenario simulations with different capacity, shift, table hours and minimum bets constraints.
Higher Net Contribution
Identify incremental revenue or labor savings opportunities across casino segments to quantify and generate incremental profit.
Optimize Table Spreads & Game-Mix
Access dashboards for an overview of opportunities to improve the table spread and game-mix with the ability to drill down for insights on business demand trends for various game types and price points.
Improve Analyst Productivity
Identify misaligned spreads, limits and game-mix to capture higher net contribution while eliminating manual spread planning and significantly increasing analysts’ productivity.
Forecast for Regular or Special Events Demand
Build a demand forecast using previous representative events to capture higher revenues during high demand times.
Uses Data from Your Existing Player Data System
TYM works with your existing player data system -- receiving head-count, table betting minimums and wager data -- to analyze casino-wide player data and provide actionable recommendations and dashboards.
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